Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I decided the other night that there’s little I loathe more in this world than yogurt commercials. you know, the one where it’s a bunch of women on their cordless phones with one another, in various business-casual ensembles - or post-workout clothing, a much worse offense - talking about how NAUGHTY they were last night, the simply DECADENT treats they oh-so-sinfully snacked on…then cut to the Yoplait display! LOLZ! it’s fucking YOGURT YOU FOOLS! I CAN EAT AS MUCH OF THIS SHIT AS I WANT AND ALL IT’S GOING TO DO IS MAKE ME POOP!

actually, I learned back in AP English that the word “decadent” actually means “in a state of decay.” how that translates to dessert I’ll never know...


  1. it translates to dessert plenty well, that shits fattening, tooth rotting or decaying(pick your poison) and all around a waste of money. My soul decays whenever I order a chocolate mousse or a tiramisu, or even a creme brulee(though they are delicious)

  2. I don't want to see anymore tiramisu hate on this blog.

  3. I dont want to see anymore whine on this blog if the cheese is vacant.
