Thursday, October 1, 2009

unattended children will be shot.

this makes me want to own an establishment so I can get really creative. same goes for a-holes on their cellphones, those who don't tip, and people whose face I just plain don't like. (via passive-aggressive notes)


unattended children will be shot.: "
as previously discussed, this hamfisted attempt at wit remains the scourge of retail establishments the world over.

at least it doesn't say "expresso"

as it turns out, the umpteen-million variations are even more hilariously clever!

for example, while the original version merely confuses a lot of people, this one just seems like a bizarre incentive for child abandonment.

this doesn't exactly get the point across

quickly, however, things start to get very un-p.c. (and also…very creepy.)

this version, in fact, is almost as popular as the original. (other examples here and here and here and here and here and…is that a machete?)

unattended children will be trafficked into child prostitution

child slavery? now that’s comedy gold. but really, why stop there? why not “unattended children will be trafficked into child prostitution”? “unattended children will be sold to pedophiles”? or anally probed? or…

unattended children will be served as sausage

hilarious, right?

related: the “your mother doesn’t work here” of the hospitality industry


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